New League

Trying to get a few people involved in a stock or low amount of upgrades league.

Something kind of like Top Gears bargain car lap times.

Looking for people to help with this too.

Here is what I have so far.

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Add me. Paul300C , I am interested

I added you, if you could. Go to the site and apply as a new racer.

add me ill race

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Still looking for people to help out with this?

I work 50 hours a week so this is going to be a relaxed league. Nothing to serious.

Updated the site.

We have 5 guys lined up.

I would still like a few more competitive clean racers.

I am interested in this segment of FM5, I didnt see any time frames. Do you have race times setup?
If I can make your race times. I will sign up on the website. Looks like fun. I am available to race any night(s) after 8:30pm EST.

It will be after 830 est…

cool. signed up on the website.

cool. signed up on the website.

I signed up as well :slight_smile:

I got your alls emails and will update the site Thursday morning. I’m going to try and push for a Thursday or/and Friday races.