The current large dirt platform is actually mud no dust comes from it so change the name. Add new platforms that are less tall than current large platforms using the dirt from the ORIGINAL dirt platform. Add tall grass and not the mowed grass platform. Add light sand platforms and deep sand platforms. Light and deep snow. Gravel, mud, rock with grip not like the rock props, metal grates a platform similar to the fence wall but a platform that is see through. Glass platforms with different colors in mini menus. FIX THE GRIP ON THE CEMENT TUBES THEY SHOULD NOT FEEL WORSE THAN DRIVING ON ICE!!! Give use the breakable metal panel fences used in the stunt driver storyline in mad max knock off. And give use metal panel walls. give us the colored flares used for street races in the signs and flags section add more colors other than Blue and red add green yellow and purple maybe orange too. ADD WATER BLOCKS of different sizes allowing people to add water to there maps and have it work like the water in game smaller cars get slowed down and larger one aren’t affected much. Add the colored flood lights in the hot wheels dlc to the regular lighting just let everyone use it it’s unfair to regular player without the dlc don’t prevent basic dlc props from being used if you don’t have the DLC it stupid because a lot of the rally DLC stuff is able to be used by everyone don’t exclude builders even if they don’t have the DLC it’s just greedy.
Hi @DrInsanity8543 . Add your suggestions about eventlab here:
And add any bugs here:
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