new in FM4

Hi guys!

I just today bought FM4, so haven’t jet install it, but hope to done it tommorow.
Until now I have played only FM3 and FH.

I really hope, some of You will invite me in some of club. I like clean race, without any hacked or unreall HP powerfull cars. Just clean and nice race, where all depents from driver skill not only from car.

Ok, hope to see some of You in multiplayer race…

…oh yeah…can not wait tommorow…vrummmmm, vrummmm :):):slight_smile:

Fell free to write me :slight_smile:

Welcome to the world of Forza 4! You will not be disappointed. Unfortunately I run a drift team, so it doesn’t look like its up your street, but we do sometimes race online. So although my team cant exactly, help, hopefully we see you online soon enough, and good luck finding a team suitable for what your looking for.



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I only have time to race on weekends. If you like send me a friend request and we will go from there. Please don’t think of me as a snob but it is up to club leaders and I will gladly help were I can.

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