I am looking to get some vinyls made up, I have no where near the skill to do detailed vinyls, is their anyone willing to help, I’ll be more than willing to shoot some credits your way if possible? Thanks indvance.
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same here~!!! i need some team design made as well and credits will be sent to who’m ever can help me out. msg me on my gamer tag. thanks a million
What do you guys need done? Send me a message on here or on XBL and tell me what you’re looking for. You can picture-message on here though, which is a lot easier because it gives the source material you want done. My gamertage is SlyBlu7
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I’m also down to help you guys out. I don’t need the credits at all…just here to help put and give me a reason to design something. Hit me up on here or XBL… xlx Taz xlx