Hey everyone I am wanting to talk about the Need For Speed style paint jobs, I have a paint job request for a Big Lou from 2005 most wanted paint scheme along with a Need For Speed Underground Eddie paint job on the 2Fast 2Furious skyline, So if anyone would take the time to make those 2 paint jobs that would be very Nice, if you have a request for a certain paint job that is Need For Speed Related just post it here.
arent you the one who insulted painters in another thread and your still asking us to paint for you. i dont think anyone will help you even myself knowing that i did those paints along time ago on fm4 i dont plan on doing them again. learn some manners or do them yourself. on that note best of luck.
Sorry but I am trying to build all the blacklist cars from Most Wanted (2005) and I need a paint for Big Lou who is blacklist #11 so I was just trying to get some help with that.