Hi all
I have just got the Xbox one after wanting one for ages and I got forza horizon 2 !
I’m looking for a car club to join. I’m mostly on weekends and sometimes at night in week.
Just after a club for casual cruises around racing etc… Anyone have some space for a new member ? 
Also I am open to learning the liveries and drifting/ serious racing aswell if a club has the time for me
Hi, [FoAl] are always welcoming casual, mature gamers to join us for races. With do not have any requirements except race clean and have respect for others. No headset or a certain amount of activity is needed, and whether you are new or a long time gamer of Forza titles, it makes no difference.
If you wish to join us, add me on XB1 and I will sort you an invite out and get some races with you. If not, all the best in your car crew search mate 
EDIT: We are just a new and small group looking to add and grow into a fun crew 
Hey [H21H] is open for new members as of right now it’s just 3 friends that have played across all forza games so we have time for members. I am club leader and I want to make this a real club that does everything top to bottom. Send me a message and add me GT Homeijer The 3 of us are on everyday so anyone that wants to join so schedules are not a problem