When i apply my own design to my Agera, it doesn’t let me edit it. I Try to go to “Apply Decals” or “Paint Car” and it says that the design is locked and asks if i want to remove it. It makes no sense. It’s my own design! :S
Did you happen to download your own design from your own storefront and then apply it to your car? If you do that, even if it’s your design, the game treats it like you’re downloading someone else’s design.
Nope. I haven’t downloaded it. I have another design for the same car and that works so i guess it’s nothing wrong with the car? I should also mention that all of my designs are uploaded to the storefront and that is the only one that does that. It doesn’t say that the design is locked with the usual padlock on the little thumbnail thingy, but it still prevents me from editing it
I had a quick play around & Wildcat’s explanation is the only thing I found that matches your description.
Yes you must have downloaded it and trying to apply it… dont make the same mistake as me and delete the original!
Nope. I haven’t downloaded it. I have never downloaded my own designs. Only applied them from my design catalogue.
Here you see that the padlock you get from downloading other designs is missing. I know what i am doing. I haven’t downloaded it. Only shared it.
As you can see here the design is originally made in Forza Motorsport 6 (Actually Horizon 2 but i imported it to Fm6 to make changes etc.) And whenever i try to import it again i get this
EDIT: I only started making it in Horizon 2 but finished it in Forza 6. Shouldn’t make a difference anyways.
Here is a picture of what it looks like whenever i try to edit the design
](My Great Capture Screenshot 2016-11-14 15-02-43 | Eric Myhr Colocasidis | Flickr)You may think that i screwed this up myself but it’s not that the Forza games are bug free either >_>
Ah, you didn’t say that at the start… maybe you’ve hit on something? I took a break after FM4 so not had any experience of importing across multiple games, you’re right in saying Forza isn’t bug free, I think you might’ve found one.
Maybe someone else can verify if they’ve had the same problem?