My Gallery Is Showing As Empty

I took two photos and downloaded them from my gallery earlier. Then took a load more with plans of showing my friend later how good the graphics are, however it shows none in my gallery now, doesn’t even show any from previous Forza’s. Is it the same for everyone? So annoying, I really wanted to show the game off


I am having the same issue as well. I have a bunch of photos that say are uploaded, but when I go to my Gallery on the website or in the Forza Hub, none are showing. Not even Turn10’s.

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Frustrating isn’t it. Hopefully it gets resolved really soon!

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I see I’m not the only one having these issues. Welp, back to taking screenshots it is then.

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This is still broken? Pictures not showing at forzamotorsport website gallery or the Forza Hub app.

It has been fine for a while, but now it’s back to not working…

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same problem here.
yesterday gallery worked
today EMPTY

I’m also seeing this. They seem to be having site issues for gallery content. I hope it’s not all lost.

Same Here… Kinda makes entering the weekly photo contests difficult… :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Still not working :confused: Hopefully tomorrow.

I’ve got the same issue, nothing at all in my galleries… Anyone else still persisting with this?

I haven’t been on in a few days, but took a bunch of shots today, and just went to my gallery, and – nada. It inevitably clears up (I suspect server traffic issues) but it’s annoying when it happens.

OMG you’re right it’s happening again. Thankfully I got a chance yesterday to get everything but yup… nothing today. This happens FAR too often!

I took some shots in game on Forza Motorsport 5 and the photos are not showed here in the website. When I click ‘Community’ then ‘Gallery’, it only loads Forza Horizon photos. Why this happens? Why is it not fixed once and for all?

Why is this still happening??!!

happened for me today
still not available

My gallery is also displayed with empty !? No more photos? Also, photos are not displayed in the Forza Hub on the Xbox One? Not my own photos, The ones from Turn 10 and not my friends either? That’s why I tried to see if the photos are shown on the official website. But unfortunately not. Now I have seen your message that you have the same problem and wanted to tell you that I have the same problem.


Seems to be working again.

This seems to happen every so often. It’s annoying, but I’ve not experienced an actual data loss, and it always comes back, usually in a day or so. I reckon it’s related to the reason this site is slow as molasses, but I’m just an end user.

Been happening more often lately. Down as of now.

Having the same problems. Seems to be a regular thing these days. Gets fixed, couple weeks later happens again.