My Designs

Hi! couldnt find my old paint Gallery here.
So here are my latest fm5 paints. really would love to paint more and better stuff. but real life gives me not a lot of time lol.
Actually I use twich very often while I paint. So if you like, follow me :wink: Twitch: DTC_GoneAJ.
hope you like what you see here.
thx AJ!


nice work, unmistakable aj :slight_smile:

thanks for passing by my twitch stream last night too man, i appreciate the support :slight_smile:

you are welcome! it is interessting to see live painting!

hi m8 great art here and good to see ur back on fm

thank you target!

have some new paints. updated in op. Actually I paint with twitch always! take a look next time :wink:

Won’t lie; First thought upon seeing your thread here was “OMG DTC GoneAJ has FM5 paints! I can’t wait to see the Supras!”

You definitely did not disappoint. Awesome paints man! Glad to see you are painting in FM5

haha thank you tolsmir. I already started with the new Supra collection. But I did a mistake when I was saving a finished paint and erased supra no.2. So I have to do a new one lol.

Amazing work dude! I will definitely be following this thread :slight_smile:

thx for following!

Good to see you in here AJ! Great paints and all so very ‘AJ’!! :slight_smile:

thx snake! also nice to see you here.

holy crap your alive welcome back

haha thx m8!

new paints are up

new audi looks amazing.
i need to be more creative like you. may take me a few more forza games but i will get there soon enough. til then keep up the awesome designs bud