Multi player Achievements Help

Hey all, I’ve not play Forza for a good 12 months, but unfortunately having an accident I’m off work for 8 weeks, so thought I’d pick up where I left off… I’ve been playing multiplayer games various lobby’s but noticed the % on my achievements to unlock them hasn’t moved like “Gaining Experience” since playing hasn’t moved from 74% like wise the others!! I’m just confused I did the last race in career mode and the achievements unlocked for that! Any ideas I can try thanks :pray:

This has been an issue since July on the Xbox One version. Several multiplayer related achievements like driving at night or in the rain, defeating 10 rivals without any assists, etc. don’t work anymore. Several players already reported the issue and here is a thread in the trueachievements forum: Forza Motorsport 7 - Multiplayer Laps Counter

Apparently the Windows 10 version of the game is not affected.

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Thanks for the reply and info :+1:t2: Answers my question.