Motorcity Paint Request for Horizon 3

Hey can someone make a paint for the Twin Mill to make it look like this car?
adult photo

The reason I need this paint is because I was planing on making this car for the twin mill but no one has made a paint for the twin mill that makes it look like this car and I am no where near skilled enough to make this paint so can some one make this for me?


Just to let you know that I’m working on this, I just have the Mutt cartoon to finish fully, but probably won’t be able to get back to it until next weekend. Interesting project.

2017-05-15 23.01.17
by Rallyz, on Flickr

Dude nice thats perfect!

Dude thanks man so is it up on the design storefront?

No not yet, as I said, I’ve still got to finish the cartoon next weekend.

The Cartoon?? what do you mean by that?

The Cartoon what do you mean by that?

Never mind I see what you mean

Here you go, all done at last, and now available after the server issues.

Gamertag: RallyzX360
Car: 1969 Hot Wheels Twin Mill
File Name: Motorcity Mutt

2017-05-21 00.08.29
by Rallyz, on Flickr

2017-05-21 00.08.35
by Rallyz, on Flickr

2017-05-21 00.08.24
by Rallyz, on Flickr