More Casual Multiplayer Gamemodes!

I think FH multiplayer could be improved by adding more casual gamemodes to multiplayer! Here are some ideas:

  • Traditional tag on various terrains (ice rink, stadium field without obstacles, small hilly bowl, skidpad/parking lot). One person is “it”, points are scored based upon time spent as “it”

  • Infected, but with more car restrictions (FWD/RWD/AWD only, turbo/supercharger/NA only, different eras of cars only, etc)

  • Something similar to DiRT3’s gymkhana (donut zones, targets to hit, short drift zones, etc):

  • Some drift challenges where the participants compete to walltap or walldrag through a zone or to hit obstacles with the rear of the car

  • Fugitive!! (Point-to-point cops and robbers). Played usually at night with low visibility. One team (cops) starts near end-point and seeks out the other team (robbers), who start at start-point. The goal is for the robbers to individually make it to the end-point without being tagged, and for the cops to tag all the robbers before they make it to the end-point. Once tagged, robbers become cops (or maybe something else? ghosts? Cop-rammers to help other teammates score?) Long time limit to encourage hiding and other sneaky tactics, best in terrain with lots of buildings to hide behind. No or limited minimap. Would be especially cool if you could turn off headlights to hide as robbers.

Any other ideas? Come on people there is so much potential for multiplayer games with how diverse thee car selection is in this game!