Max garage size?

Is the max garage size going to be the like FM7 at 900 or is it going to be the old 550?

With car collecting now being a part of the Horizon Life, I’d imagine it would be similar to FM7 though we’ll likely have to wait a few weeks before some enterprising completionist finds the limit.

I’m kinda surprised the limit information isn’t provided by the developer

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Well. here’s to hoping for 900 then.


With +450 cars announced im guessing its 700!
550 - 450 = 100 = 100 spots for DLC Special edition cars!

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The less the better.

Limit is 550. Just hit it now.

Someone hit the limit shortly after release.


they did it again after getting it perfect with 7! Ya there isn’t as many cars, but they are going to add a bunch. It’s one of the reason I quit playing 3 because I maxed the cars. Why not have it be 900 again and let people go nuts??

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Well at least we have excess space.

In Forza 6, there were 609 cars, but only 600 garage space.

I could never make use of my last DLC…

Yeah it’s 550. So lame.