Manual camera adjustment.Manual camera adjustment

It would be interesting if players had an option to manually customize the gameplay camera/view, e.g. height, field of view, distance, etc.


Its about time we were able to remove the steering wheel from the cockpit view, and adjust the seat positioning and have an fov slider so we can create the perfect cockpit view for our wheel setups!


Yes, I also find it interesting to be able to choose which cameras will be changed when pressing the button intended for this, disabling camera positions that the player doesn’t like, making the choice faster


So true. It would be so helpful. A lot of cars on FM (2023) have driver and cockpit cameras off-centered.

I’m a photographer that uses your game. Your game is stunningly good! So why on Earth don’t you have a Free cam Mode for Replay??? Your game looks great and needs something like this!

There was originally a bug that allowed you to do it but it got removed.

We would all use that bug to make content and clips from your game. Making your game look awesome for new users.

That bug was all around, a good thing to have. Then you patched it. Now me and several others have to MOD your game just to do that! Why have us go through all that trouble when there was a bug that wasn’t harming anything that did it for us?

It may have been a bug but not all bugs are bad. That one was incredibly useful. And you removed it.

there are such things as good bugs. Bugs that don’t need to be patched because if anything, they’re beneficial to the community and the game creators.

Try and attract some attention on this so we can either get a free-cam during rewind or bring the bug back.

Thanks for sharing.
Full camera adjustment and steering wheel/driver arms on/off is a must for FH6.