Lynnhood Motorsports (LH95) hosts “THE TOP GUN RACING SERIES”

SERIES START DATE: (Round 1) Sunday (11/23/2014) 9:00am PST/11:00am CST/12:00pm EST/5:00pm GMT

FEATURED CARS: (Select R-3 Stock Cars Only)
Stock 2003 Subaru #77 Cusco Subaru Advan Impreza Only (P2P)
Stock 2011 Holden #1 Toll Holden Racing Team Commodore VE Only (CIRCUIT)
Stock 2011 Ford #05 Ford Racing Fusion Only (OVAL)
Stock 2010 SSC Ultimate Aero Only (DRIFT)
Stock 1997 McLaren F1 GT Only (DRAG)

“Random Starting Order/Limited Damage On”

Point System: 1st Place (20 points) 2nd Place (15 points) 3rd Place (14 points) & so on down to 16th Place (1 point)

“Intentional Reckless Driving will be subject to disqualification”

(1st place) at the end of the series will be awarded 5 million credits, (2nd place) 3 million credits, (3rd place) 2 million credits. All drivers not on the podium who attend and finish all 5 rounds will receive 500,000 credits.

RACE SCHEDULE FOR ALL EVENTS: Sunday’s @ 9:00am PST/11:00am CST/12:00pm EST/5:00pm GMT
(ROUND 1) P2P @ Fujimi Stage A thru D (11/23/2014)
(ROUND 2) CIRCUIT @ Bernese Alps-Festival Circuit (11/30/2014)
(ROUND 3) OVAL @ Indianapolis Brickyard (12/07/2014)
(ROUND 4) DRIFT @ Maple Valley FC (12/14/2014)
(ROUND 5) DRAG @ Test Track Benchmark (12/28/2014)

Hope to see you all @ “THE TOP GUN RACING SERIES”

Looking forward to this one. Should be fun with all the different skills and abilities to mix things up. Pretty sure I’ll get my butt whipped in drifting and probably drags too. But don’t care, just in it for the fun. Hope we get a lot of takers.

To make sure I understand this is out of the store stock, no upgrades or tuning?

ROUND 1 RESULTS: (P2P @ Fujimi Kaido Stage A thru D)
(1st) FalsedxReaction-20 points
(2nd) WEEDxWIZARD-15 points
(3rd) LazerRacer01-14 points
(4th) CFunk2001-13 points
(5th) FORENSIC2-12 points
(6th) HighestBidder55-11 points
(7th) LifeTkrHrtBrakr-10 points
(8th) cipher1962-9 points

ROUND 2 RESULTS: (Circuit @ Bernese Alps Festival)
(1st) CFunk2001
(2nd) LazerRacer01
(3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr
(4th) cipher1962

(1st) CFunk2001- 33 points
(2nd) LazerRacer01-29 points
(3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr-24 points
(4th) cipher1962-22 points
(5th) FalsedxReaction-20 points
(6th) WEEDxWIZARD-15 points
(7th) FORENSIC2-12 points
(8th) HighestBidder55-11 points

ROUND 3 RESULTS: (Oval @ Indy-Brickyard)
(1st) onelapmagic (2nd) LazerRacer01 (3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr (4th) FORENSIC2
(5th) CFunk2001 (6th) usa12gate (7th) Kukri Blade (8th) Fine Cutz 420
(9th) HighestBidder55 (10th) THEOTHERN1NJA (11th) cipher1962

(1st) CFunk2001- 45 points (2nd) LazerRacer01-44 points (3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr-38 points
(4th) cipher1962-28 points (5th) FORENSIC2-25 points
(6th) TIE FalsedxReaction/onelapmagic-20 points (8th) WEEDxWIZARD-15 points
(9th) TIE usa12gate/HighestBidder55-11 points
(11th) Kukri Blade-10 points (12th) Fine Cutz 420-9 points
(13th) THEOTHERN1NJA-7 points

ROUND 4 RESULTS: (Drift @ Maple Valley FC)
(1st) TOM TING TONG (2nd) WEEDxWIZARD (3rd) CFunk2001 (4th) cipher1962
(5th) LifeTkrHrtBrakr (6th) LazerRacer01 (7th) HighestBidder55 (8th) FORENSIC2

(1st) CFunk2001-59 points (2nd) LazerRacer01-55 points (3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr-50 points
(4th) cipher1962-41 points (5th) FORENSIC2-34 points
(6th) WEEDxWIZARD-30 points (7th) HighestBidder55-21 points
(8th) TIE FalsedxReaction/onelapmagic/TOM TING TONG-20 points
(11th) usa12gate-11 points (12th) **** ri Blade-10 points
(13th) Fine Cutz 420-9 points (14th) THEOTHERN1NJA-7 points

POSTPONED: “The Top Gun Race Series” (Final Round)
Drags @ Test Track Benchmark (Stock 1997 McLaren F1 GT Only)
NEW START DATE: Next Sunday (12/28/2014) 9:00am PST/12:00pm EST/5:00pm GMT

FINAL ROUND RESULTS: (Drag @ Test Track Benchmark)
(1st) LazerRacer01 (2nd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr (3rd) CFunk2001 (4th) HighestBidder55

(1st) LazerRacer01-75 points (2nd) CFunk2001-73 points (3rd) LifeTkrHrtBrakr-65 points
(4th) cipher1962-41 points (5th) TIE FORENSIC2/HighestBidder55-34 points
(7th) WEEDxWIZARD-30 points
(8th) TIE FalsedxReaction/onelapmagic/TOM TING TONG-20 points
(11th) usa12gate-11 points (12th) **** ri Blade-10 points
(13th) Fine Cutz 420-9 points (14th) THEOTHERN1NJA-7 points