Hey fellow racers I’m Capone and I’m looking for some drivers who would like to start a small race team with me here on forza 4. I really want the drivers to be relaxed but still competitive and able to have a good time without getting too worked up. I don’t mind what cars you have or what classes and modes you race the more variety the better. Finally I’m open to name suggestions for the team if you have any. If you’re interested either message me on here or on xbox 360 my gamertag is Capone1995 all questions are welcome and will be answered fully
I know your post about wanting to start a small Forza 4 club was about a month ago, but if you still haven’t worked anything out, I’d be more than happy to assist you. I’m Sykotic Samurai, leader and founder of Sykosis Racing, a small general racing team currently consisting of only myself, my younger brother, and my best friend. My gamertag is the same as my username if you’re game! We are not competitive at all, and are perfect for anyone looking for a fun team that does races, drag, or really anything else for that matter. We don’t make any demands that you use specific setups or designs, it’s purely for companionship and the love of the game. Message me on here or the Xbox if you’re still interested!
Sykotic Samurai
Leader/Founder, Sykosis Racing
Hey I’m really sorry this reply is so late I got caught up in life stuff right now I’m the only person in a club I actually put a post up for recruiting for it I’ll take a look at yours though I don’t mind ending my club to join yours
hey capone would love to see you racing in the league. you’ve registered but haven’t competed in any races. see ya on our website. bye