Looking for someone to report Forza news on a Disqus site

Hey guys. I just made an Xbox Disqus Channel which for some reason was missing from Disqus, and was hoping to get some people who are quite involved with the community of some of the better Xbox games to report news about specific games and we’re hoping to get a few people dedicated for specific games to compliment the guys we have doing general news and such. Would anyone here be interested in writing Forza news for it? I’m open to either one person to report both Motorsport & Horizon news, or separate people dedicated to each series. The channel is here if you want to have a look at it - Disqus Channel - Xbox Channel One

If you have any questions about it or would like to volunteer just let me know here or PM. Cheers.

Really good idea to get people involved from the relevant communities. Gives a more grass roots appeal. Come on guys, there’s loads of us that have been here for years! I’d volunteer myself but i’m far to sweary for news reporting. lol

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It’s a Disqus community channel, so swearing is fine. I even said in the welcome thread I have no issues people trying to bypass Disqus built in filter for the comments lol. If you’re interested feel free to pop over to the link and write any relevant articles :slight_smile:

Pass on the link to your mate, we’d love to get as many contributors that are involved with the communities they write about.

Killer Instinct now has some peeps represented, If one of you guys wants in let me know.