Hi I’ve just recently got back into FH2, not got a great amount of cars but working towards them.
Just looking for a few people to have some races with, I’m up for any races really. Have a mic etc.
Add my GT - BarryOneBall
Hi I’ve just recently got back into FH2, not got a great amount of cars but working towards them.
Just looking for a few people to have some races with, I’m up for any races really. Have a mic etc.
Add my GT - BarryOneBall
Since these forums have died since Forza 3/4, don’t expect too many replies.
Here. Add me, I normally play every night, making money and having fun.
I’ll be on horizon 2 tonight add me if you would like to race
I’m on FH2 practically 5 days a week. Love the game. Always looking for people to drive with when I’m on.
I created a small club too. Basically right now there’s only two of us. We have a laid back attitude and just enjoy the game.
Not going to lie though there are perks to being in our club. We’re tight knit and very social. 18+ and mature attitude is needed though. That and a mic.
But if it’s ok, I’ll add all y’all to my ffriend’s list later when I’m done practicing rocksmith!
Also being part of my club isn’t required at all. Honestly it’d be a blast to find another club to race against and have fun rivalries with. I drive basically anything and everything. But no unending hours at the airstrip please lol. I’ve been 6 seconds in a 1/4 and daily drove a low 11 second car. Been there done that. Lol. All I want now in that regard is my red hat and jacket
Hey guys add me as well on daily on Xbox One, GT: TannerOstrich70
Also if anyone is interested like CudaFish would love to run some club vs club racing!
oh… you can definitely count N07 in on that bud! adding you now
Hey guys, new to Forza as I came from PS3, but would love some guys to drive with to show me the ropes and maybe teach me some things about racing and tuning. I recently retired and am on all the time, hit me up. GT: NvrWrong01
This is what I like to see. Kudos to you sir.
saw you also replied on the custom online rally stage thread NvrWrong01 (lol nice GT) adding you as a friend bud. Trying to get as many car enthusiasts from these forums into my friend’s list. I’d be happy to show you around.
I would love to do this with you guys! The idea of having a crew that isnt full of noobs and people who drive as fast as the speed of light at all times is awesome! I love drags, rolls, cruises, meets and races. I race clean and fair and need some friends since i got the game 3 days ago. I have a sick car collection and def have a need for speed. And im a huge GTR fan as i have one in real life and would be so down to be friends with people who love them as well. Add me in game: Ppatel0591
It looks like the people who responded here are fun drivers. I too bore easily of the never-ending drags at the airstrip and the drifting practice in Nice. While those are nice to do from time to time, I would prefer to run the game’s other races online much more often with people who would also enjoy.
I’ve just added you BarryOneBall.
Do you also play FM5?
just went through this list, tomorrow when I get on, I’ll see about adding the ones I haven’t already.
NvrWrong01 has already become a fairly “close friend” as far as Xbox interwebs are concerned. Just wish our time zones weren’t so off. He’s probably getting on right about now.
Anyone wants to hang out with me, I’m on quite a bit. But be forewarned - lol - I drive an D, C, B, A, and S1 Humvee now lol. For “public lobbies.” Basically they can play bumper cars all they want, and I’ll just keep on going. So if you’ve been “rubbed” by my Humvee, sorry! I don’t really drive like that in private I swear lol. But as a whole I’m not even that competitive online, just out to have fun with good people (I’m usually happily in last, watching other drivers race lol).
also, on that note, I’ll never say no to a finale run, Storm Island, or any form of “off-road” love my Soobies and Zagato.
You sound like an ideal racing friend. I’m starting to meet quite a few recently as I get more involved with the online play. Feel free to add me as well, I’ve just added you to my list.
VlPEROUS, Im on basically every night doing races. I like competitive, clean racing, hmu and lets get moving! Majority of my cars are well balanced so im down for just about any type of racing.
add me
my gamertag is ttThomas 633
Looking for some purist racers who are willing to do road trips similar to something you would see on Top Gear… Pick a car type and class and then find a car within those to self tune, paint, and then race those against other likeminded racers… And by purist I no assists and full simulation damage… Racing with the intent of not ramming every person you see because that gets old really quick… Racing a little dirty is fine but not when the collision would take both cars out of the race when they do
PM TheStash8 or Crazymanstu if you’re interested
SUP guys back into forza again since i started doing vids for u tube ,looking for some fun mature ppl to play with drag,car meet,cruise ext…ADD ME cookingalarm89 n mesage to do the same thanxxxxx…i will start doing u tube raffles soon for members of all my crews
So… hopefully this comes out right.
I was wondering where to post my “update” and to be honest it’s here.
It basically got to a point where it was no longer good for my health. All the good of socializing and working on cars was getting beat up by these mean monsters known as “Servers” and “UI.” To a point where Meg happily said enough was enough. Apparently all she remembers these past few months is the idiocy of the bugs inside the Xbox1 and the rarity of ones I happened to find. Tom, you believe yet?!?
Honestly everyone here is why I’m bittersweet about returning the xbox1. A few I never did meet, but I had a blast chasing your ghost in Rivals. If it wasn’t for you, no offense, this would be a whole lot easier and I’d never have to write something like this. But make no mistake, the best things in life are worth the effort.
But honestly coming from a socially inept driver, this group right here and the others I and my one (ONE) [1!!] friend met through all of you - thank you. It’s why I put up with the Xbox1 for as long as I did.
But the fact remains, it’s a game. There’s no lives on the line, no real reason not to ring that bell. It’s a game. And if it ain’t fun 99% of the time, and the other 1% ain’t really that good… yeah. Time to call it quits. And I’m sorry, I am. I know a lot of you feel betrayed right now. But you only for the most part saw the side that was happy, and yes believe it or not, that was me happy! I wish I could actually show exactly what I was dealing with on a regular basis that even had my friend who OWNS his own IT company and builds custom computers and had taken apart an Xbox1 and PS4 just to see their “goodies” and got them working again ← for me that’s a big deal, always fun tearing apart, always a pain getting it back together. - stumped. STUPIFIED. COMPLETELY AT A LOSS LOL. No matter the steak I cooked him, it did bo good! Lol
But the fact is, it’s all fake. It’s all online.
There’s no sweet smell of rubber or high octane race fuel. The thump in our chest and the rumble in our heads from the roar of the Hemis and the screams of the V12s. There aren’t any bruises from driving so hard the straps dug into your shoulders and your left calf muscle is stronger than your right because of the heavy clutch.
There’s no true blood from busted knuckles on a seized header bolt or worse a thermostat.
But there are tears. There’s tears of joy. There’s tears of sorrow in a tune or paint not going our way.
Nvrwrong- brother be safe bud and yes I’m finally sleeping better
Tanner- for better or worse man we had some amazingly great times and the ever always “xbox record that $!”
Tom- yep still doing it here bud. You’re the one who proved to a cynical crotchety old vet it’s okay to make new friends as long as cars - virtual or real - are involved.
Yeah it’s just a game. But I’ve not been this torn about a decision in a long time. Luckily still easily not my hardest. But one I live with regardless.
Here’s what I’m giving back -
My mailbox is always open. Both here and ironically smartglass still works. Only thing that ever reliably did.
Feel free to pm me. I’ll happily share what I learned. I know my Zagato is a terror in S1. My Venom, Veneno, and Ultima in S2. My Alfa guilia tz2, Soobie sti and 1 M in A. My E30 M3 in B.
I know for a fact my Veneno can make it in the top 50 in S2 on High Speed Circuit. It’s one regret I now have knowing I’ll never be the one to get her There.
I’ll happily share them all. I have them saved in a real notebook lol. Even how I got to the numbers I picked.
To put it plainly, I started the xbox1 and immediately started disliking it. I figured I was crotchety and missed my 10 years of familiarity with the 360. We were already off to a bad start. By the end of the first week, we had almost returned it because of bugs issues, server issues, etc.
I told meg I’d give it one last 100% effort shot. Starting with what I loved - Forza And Rocksmith. In less than three months I had accrued over 400 hours at Horizon and almost 100 hours in rocksmith.
Hating, raging, cussing, drinking, and even tearing over the anguish towards the xbox1 the whole time.
Fact is I wanted to return it 6 weeks ago. However, I had also threatened to shoot it. Meg took offense and threatened to hit me with my Fender Strat. I love my Strat and all my instruments. She knows this. So I figured she loved the xbox1. Turns out she would have returned it that day. If only I had said that instead of threatening it with my Colt (not really btw, yes I own a couple Colts. Cap & Ball actually, blackpowder. Still work lol. Restored one myself. But I didn’t actually physically threaten and wave a gun around. That ain’t me! Just sayin.)
That’s a key moment by the way. I had just bought my Aston Martin Zagato. See, people claimed she was slow. Both here and on YouTube and elsewhere. I aimed to prove them wrong. I knew right from the get-go she was rigid, and therefore needed an expert touch both tuning and driving, a gentle hand on the wheel, and a hard-driving clutch foot. She runs a sub 13:40 finale now, with a top speed of 212 mph and grips like a dream. Heck in Forza Motorsport 3 in a DB9 that tune ran 1:13.296 at Laguna SECA first time out. No assists.
She’ll easily run 1% on any track if you push her hard, adjust the alignment to suit the track, and adjust the shocks no more than 10% +/- my base tune. She’s all yours. Sad truth is I’ll never drive her again. Not her specifically. I realize that now. Every game is different and unless Microsoft wakes up or I’m blessed with an insane amount of patience or money to pay for the replacements, I’ll never own a 1 again, and therefore my Horizon 2 tuned Zagato either.
But seriously these stats?
She had like 15 miles on her before I started reading these posts I think.
It’s because of you guys. I never would have stuck it out as long as I did. I would have wrung that bell months ago. You guys actually got me to care about a silly video game, and I’m forever grateful for it.
Fair winds and following seas,
A grumpy of Sr Chief
It’s sad to see you go Cuda, perhaps the time will come where we can race again further on down the road.
In the end, you have to do what’s best for you, and as I always say, if it’s not fun or enjoyable then it is not worth doing. I enjoyed racing with you.
Best of luck and warm wishes in your future endeavors.