Looking for Lancia 037

Price per request - 10m +
Car exchange:
Nio EP9
Audi TT RS 2020
MG Xpower
Volkswagen ID.4

You and me both. That Lancia 037 has been so hard to find. Since I have been looking for one going on 4 months. That’s why I asked for it during the women’s history month car give away.

Can I ask for it too ?

It’s too late! You were supposed to submit your request by March 31st.

Well, that sucks because I did the photo with my F8 but I didn’t ask for anything

Why did you submit a photo and not ask for the car? That doesn’t make sense. The whole point of submitting the photo was to be able to ask for any non DLC car.

I thought I will get gift car to FH5

i snipe today 037

The deadline was for entering your photo. I would suggest still requesting the car and vanity item you want with the expectation you’ll have to wait until they’ve gone through the current requests.

How can I request a car ?

“Users are required to DM me (T10ManteoMax) with their choice.” (Official FH5 Photo submissions - Women's History Month 2024)
I guess ask @T10ManteoMax nicely with a link to your post and the car you want. Be patient, as I expect he’s still very busy.

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