Hey there,
looking for a GR Yaris, money not a problem. Just tell me your price!
Thanks in advance!
Hey there,
looking for a GR Yaris, money not a problem. Just tell me your price!
Thanks in advance!
Will pay up to 100 Million! Money not a problem
o thats tempting lol
Do you have one? XD
no and thats the problem XD
i will try to snipe
wont take to long tho
Oh that’s sad XD. Tbh I don’t bother looking into the AH anymore and I thought if I offer up to 100 Mil someone might sell it XD. Idc about money pretty useless in Forza anyway and with Backstage already there it is getting even more useless. Just want at least 2 Yaris when it arrives in Backstage XD. Toyota is my favorite brand and there are a few I don’t have, but I guess I wait for Backstage for these or try to find them in AH.
yeah i will try to snipe for one, wont take long (maybe 20 mins at this time of day) u want me u let u know if u dont have one already?
Yeah that would be nice XD. I mean I’m paying 5 times what I would pay if I would search in AH but I’ve given up and this ain’t real life so whatever XD
lol yeah i just buy off people off here loll, im too impatient to sit spamming buttons for half an hour
one has been up for 6 mins what lol
Try to bid on one (never won any bids neither in FH4 nor FH5 XD, always buyout)
lol same the only time i won a bid i think was a huayra bc a few weeks ago
idk how lol
Yeah for me either some one bought it directly or somehow overbid me in the last few seconds.
i sometimes just get tired of a bidding war and just buy it out lol
like nuh uh u ain’t getting this