This would be better placed in the racers lounge. But there are already several of these threads in there. Why not search for them and add those players to your friends list? Quick way to boost your roster!
I’m a clean racer, usually in hoppers S or A class, Add me up I’ll follow.
Also would it be possible for a mod or someone to set up a sticky thread that you can just pm and be put on a list, that way you don’t have to scroll through a ton of posts. Possibly just pm with what class you like to race?
I see you are trying to do something similar to a league me an my buddy CTT are trying to start up. We are trying to have weekend racers with chassis tuned cars but stock motor if interested you should check us out!teamroster/c1x9v. If you like what you see fill out the new racer Information.
Don’t know if I am of the same ability as many of you. I probably can only challenge you in certain classes and on certain tracks. I do race clean though, so please add me if you’re willing.
If this actually happens in regards to racing clean, then please count me in. Sorry if i sound downbeat about your idea but im losing faith in the Forza community. Ive been racing since FM2 under different accounts. FM4 was the best online community in my opinion. Hardly ever had a dirty race. But in FM5 im starting to lose my rag with most of the people i come across! GT ii B Crafty. B/A/S/R class racing.
Unfortunately the Clean drivers out there are very thin on the ground! Some of the reason is that some of the best drivers are still on the Xbox 360.
I only trust people like. BTR Pain, Sispo, Stella Stig, Foot and the ONR boys and most of the old school FM boys. This new breed are hell bent on ruining your race if your any good.
I was running a Ford Gt last night in A class and doing very well with it until certain people use me as the corner wall!
Ive been racing online since forza 2 was released and have come across nearly every kind of A hole known to man, there are plenty of clean and competetive racers on forza 5 (myself included) who are willing to race properly.
Alot of the problem is that when the clean and competetive drivers set good lap times and win races, the less experienced/skilled drivers decide to start crashing or abusing these people for various reasons, including good old fashioned jealousy, especially if you beat them in a non leaderboard car!
I’m just like the rest of the people out there that look for clean close racing, and I would love to race with more clean drivers in the Forza 5 Community. No matter what kind of driver you are Slow, Fast, New we accept all drivers as long as you are a Clean driver and can follow the rules that apply with our races. We also have driving academy’s that will improve your driving skill and the ability to work your way through traffic or letting traffic by. If your interested Message me on Xbox or check out the link below.