Looking for a UK or EURO driving league group

I’m interested in some middle aged person gentlemens racing, not bumper cars etc. Weeknight a and weekends etc.

Hey Layz, Season 2 of our league kicks off on sunday. Check the website out at BTR.Kinichie.com.
I’m 35, not quite middle aged and we do have some younger drivers, but everyone endeavours to be clean.

We race 9pm BST on Sundays.

My XBL user name is Radarhead.


We run a btcc champ and support race on a wed night at about half 7 GMT and this Friday we are Starting another btcc champ with three 15min races,

we are also always online or have someone online always having a laugh and joke while testing and really trying to bring the community back to forza 6 with the arm chair racing fan to real race drivers who join us to even a couple of marshalls which always makes for a fun night,

feel free to look at our facebook pages or drop me a message


GT nikemikerules

and here’s another option, and good timing too as we are about to start a new series on May 15th Sunday at 7pm UK time. An IMSA multi Class series.
