Looking for a mature group to race with. (mainly A-class)

Xbox one gamertag: UK GAMER 1992

I am looking for some people who like to race cleanly and fairly on the track and don’t wreck your car on the first turn. I am 22 and have been playing Forza since Fm2 but only really got into racing on fm4. I am not the best driver but can hold my own on the track and don’t cry when i loose to a faster opponent. Until now i have just been joining random public lobbies and although there are decent drivers in them there is always that one kid who cant find the brakes and thinks its fun to wreck everyone’s race. which is no fun at all. so if you want feel free to add me and i will accept it as soon as possible. Happy Gaming!

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I’m in the same situation. I’m older & am an active duty US Marine. Trying to find clean/ fair racers is hard…I’ll look you up & send you a request…you can do the same.

my gamertag is the same as my username.

I just posted this in a similar thread, feel free to check it out :

I have a new series starting at ICR for an A Class Enduro series, it starts 21st September 6.30pm UK time, we have two races left on the IndyCar series then this new one will start the following week. We’re all adults and race clean. If interested check out our forum on the Pre Season topic :

you can even take part in the remaining 2 IndyCar events too.

superbanger 18 add me thanks

You can add me NORFOLKnCHANCEE looking for clean lobbies not the fastest driver but like to keep it clean

New to xbox one new to forza 5 looking for clean private lobbies plz feel free to add me i am 27 years old…

If your looking for good clean racing head over to www.pendulumtuning.freeforums.org

We have a great community over there with just over 1000 members and steadily growing, where we share open source tunes, forum exclusives tunes & paints, host our own competitions and forum prize cars. We reward active members with VIP status and VIP only sections & prizes.

Most of all we host private lobby’s for good fun clean racing. Hope to see you over there!

^^^^ what Curtis said…good bunch of blokes!

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I’m in the same position as you, been the only one of my old FM4 crew to still be playing Forza, and also to be playing on xOne, I am looking for a new crew. I’m a pretty casual racer, and do enjoy to race against friends more than against randoms.

I do all kinds of racing, drifting, drag-racing, time-attack and normal racing. I’m not the best racers, but I do know how to tune a car.

Send an invite to V1KMaN and we can run some laps and have a good time :slight_smile:

Add me if you want, I can vouch for Richard his lot are all good clean racers.
Tag touring cars will be restarting soon if you would like to join

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and i can vouch for Gord too as he’s a clean racer :slight_smile:

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I can vouch for Gord, Rich and PTG… all clean and good fun to race with.


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