Looking for a few ProSim drivers to join us

ProSim: no assists or line. sim steering and damage. cockpit view. manual gearbox allowed due to a driver with a wheel, which has no clutch pedal. Our races are clean and aggressive. Currently we are running the indy lights car. If you take your racing seriously, give us a shot. We are like minded adults, 30 to 46, who don’t waste time in multiplayer for obvious reasons. We try and run one long race a week, and help each other with tuning throughout the week when we can. We will be running a 30 to 50 lap race at Catalunya full friday or sat. 8 pm est. Send a FR and we can chat about it, or dive right into a test session. Thanks for your time, and maybe see you on track. Cheers

Broadcasting 20 lap practise race at 5:35 pm est. Now.

Sounds awesome! Count me in. I’ll be sending out some invites to some other like minded racers.

Add me. I am looking for this! And lotus e21 too. All assist. off… Today i cant!!!

No assists?
Damage on?
Long endurance racing?
Like minded racers?
No chance of seeing crashers?

I’m in.

4 drivers so far all within 2:06. This is going to be a close race.

That is hardcore. Therefore, I would like to extend a formal invitation to you guys to the AoB Super GT Championship. We try to do quality control, but nothing a sure thing in life. Better than matchmaking, at worst, pro at best.