Looking for some friends or maybe even a club to join to play with. Forza is really boring solo. Looking for fun honestly. I’m 18 and live in the U.S.
GT: FoundzXploit
Hey Xploit, I am looking for new members to join our Club. We usually have 2 car meets per week, Tuesday and Friday nights starting at 9pm CST. I have a little information posted below. Happy hunting.
Please read below for an overview of the Club.
Forza H3 Club Name: UGAlliance Car Club, in-game
Region: North American based, however we are not limited to North America.
In-game Club Tag: UGAx
Platform: PC/XB1 - Cross-play so why not.
Age Requirement: 17 or older
Mic Required: YES, sometimes communication is needed.
Club Activities: Free Roam, race, cruise, practice drifting, drag race anything our little minds can come up with.
What we’re looking for: Like minded clean drivers (when racing or cruising), from amateur to pro skilled
Weekly Car Meets: Yes (Optional to join)
Required to join website: YES
Racing Team: Not yet, we’re working on it. However we do have a sign-up on the site.
Chance to have your own racing team/group: YES
Website if interested in joining, REQUIRED to join club: LINK:—> United Gamer Alliance
I’d like some help starting a club if you’re interested. I’m on almost everyday for a few hours. Message me, gt- xWillTwerk4Food