Livery menu

When you enter the livery menu to look at your livery the first ones to appear should be ones that fit the current car. Having to search through everything is time consuming and annoying.

I absolutely agree!
Liveries for your current car should be the first or at least give us a search/filter option like the one that is in the “Find New Design” menu.


Yep! It’s been said when FH4 was out and needs to be repeated. A simple filter to show suitable designs for the current vehicle would suffice.


It really should have your car and the design(s) connected to your car in the one slot.

And end the practice of all the designs in the one huge section thus putting an end to the chore of rummaging.

Also a pop-up to alert you to the that you might have 5 spaces for designs/tunes left. Easily done but the developers refuse to do it.


Totally agree!! That, or an option pressing X blue button offering “match car”.

It’s true you can find your own design in “search new” ≥ Search and write your gamer tag in Creator’s field, but when you select your design then it appears TWICE in your livery.

Great if it’s implemented in both FH4-5.

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At the very least we should have a search feature in the liveries as we do for cars in the garage. I have a ton of liveries that I got from share codes, which are mostly unused because I don’t have the time to dig through them all to figure out which car each one is for.