Liberty body aventador LP700-4 completed

!(http:// The official website of the Forza franchise)


Looks pretty good. Just host your photos on the likes of Flickr to be able to use the IMG tags :wink:


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Any update on this or even the 458?


Ill update this soon…tonight maby

!(http:// The official website of the Forza franchise) all done

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Looking really good, nice job.


Not bad, looks good! I’m yet to try my hand at doing a Liberty Walk Performance replica hopefully once I’ve finished some of my ongoing designs then I shall have a go.

You just need to brush up on the photo posting :stuck_out_tongue:

ya sorry about the photo…but you just click on it on…is it that bad?

It’s not bad, but it’s a bit more presentable I guess. Saves people having to click on more things

ya true…I do it from my phone…maby thats why lol

nice idea ,looks good too

TAKE MY MONEY!!! how many layers on each side is that? and where can i download it :slight_smile:

just type my name in the search creator RIP SIZZLER.
I think its called wide body…I forgot and im at work.

Very nice! I grabbed it earlier. Thanks!

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I hope you like it:-D…if theres a request for any other cars pkeas post a pic and ill get on it

anyway u could make the aventador in black? with maybe alittle grey shadows around it to show the wide fenders?

pm me a way to get in contact with u…

u can try this :smiley:

so take the idea from the Ferrari body and apply it to the aventador?..I will try

no…i meant change the red aventador LB kit to a black one…i like black lambos :smiley:

and u can try making a LB 458 italia…i would download that too :smiley:

cool man will do!!!