I’m looking for some fun clean racers to do private lobbies with, possibly even start a racing league with decent drivers! Are there any that already exist? Would anyone be interested in participating in a custom built league? Please any incite or thoughts are more than welcomed!
Thank you
What time zone are you? There’s lots of good race series to join based out of the uk. I’m from Canada and run on mst time so it’s a little harder finding race leagues. I’m a new user to online race series and just join ETCC racing cumminity. They have lots of race series going on right now. Lots of different times and days.
Yeah I’m east coast US, I joined a league from UK and I enjoyed it, however the timing isn’t ideal!
Well I just joined a race series on ETCC. It’s Wednesday’s at 9est. Details are on there website
Is there an exact name to your league? I typed in etcc and I got a bunch a different ones all from the UK!
Let me know if the link works. You will have to join before you can entry any of there race series. All the info is on there forum
Feel free to add me on Xbox