Lazy sexism in this game

Hi all,… I’m pretty new to the game and this is my first post on these boards.

I really enjoy this game but one thing sticks out like a sore thumb to me,…I am a female gamer and I cannot be a girl in this game.

I know this is hardly something new in gaming, but when tied up with an audio track that also assumes everyone playing is a guy, it grates a little.

Ben always refers to you as mate,…which is ok,…but at other points he addresses you as “gentlemen” and bounty laden high end head to head drivatars with " if you can beat him" .

You cannot pick a female character to drive your car,…it’s always the same guy, despite there being female drivers in the group when you originally meet Ashley.

would it be so hard to have a select screen for a male or female driver at the start of the game. I know there are many ladies who play this game.

the audio could also be improved with just a little thinking and better writing to accommodate all players.

I don’t want to play dress up or have special pink car packs,…just a bit of recognition that we are not all men out there in Forza land.

heck,…I can even create a female character in NHL 15,…so if I can play hockey (which I do) please let me drive a car.

Thanks for reading


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