LaughingHyena74's Forzatography

Just come back to Forza and in particular Forza Horizon 4 just over a week ago having not played a Forza game since FH2, so here’s a few snaps from my early playthrough.

Alfa 8C FE

Hey there!

For the built-in image inserter to work you need a link straight to the image, not a page that has a bunch of them.
Also the link you posted is basically a dead end. When i click it, it shows a message “No Uploaded Content Found”.

I’d suggest you upload your photos to a standalone online image hosting service such as Flickr, or even Imgur.

Have a nice day! :smiley:

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Thanks, i’ll try that i’ve got a Flickr account already for my Driveclub pictures.

Update~: Just can’t get it to work? After messing about i finally got it to work what a carry on.