KingpinZER0 21:9 photos showcase! [UPDATED: 11/10/2016 - LaFerrari Extravaganza!]

Hey racers!

I’ve started taking photos for my own pleasure, but since there’s a forum section for it, i thought it would be cool to share with the community.

Platform is PC, ultra settings ultrawide 2560*1080.

I plan to add more to my imgur album, located here: Forza Horizon 3 PC Ultra 21:9 Shots Collection - Album on Imgur

I hope you guys enjoy, at least like i did when taking 'em!

God speed!

I love the angle in this, great work!

Thank you mate!

Actually my ispiration came from one of Colin McRae Rally games box art :slight_smile: Tried to replicate the result.

I love it too :slight_smile:

New Update!

Loving the framed shot of the Renault 5 and the B&W one.

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You mean the Peugeot 205 T16? :smiley:

BTW the Ford GT Livery is a custom made by me, it’s up for grabs, just search my nickname. :slight_smile:

Yeah that’s the one, doh!

Don’t have the Ford GT yet but thanks.

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First post updated with two other pictures of the Ford GT '17 Custom Livery!

Update, first Ridge Racer Type 4 livery work in op! Planning to do some others very soon!

I like this shot:

Nice work on the liveries too!

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The ultrawide monitor is so cool, I like how it changes the aspect ratio of the photos too! You’ve got a lot of great shots in here

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While the Forza Horizon series has had better vignette choices and how it handles the whole feature. I personally feel you should try to cut down using it quite heavely in future updates since a high vignette only works at certain times of the day, when capturing only a few kind of styles and car positions or angles.

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New addition, and thanks all for the comments!

^ I like how you framed this, turned out pretty well! Maybe be a bit more mindful of your backgrounds though, that white post is throwing me off

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I agree, it’s a really nice shot. I was having issues with distracting things in the background of my photos yesterday too. You’re not alone :slight_smile: