King of the track rivals challenge - october - "heaven is for real"

My DESIGN ENTRY - #73 3R-Racing Corvette Z06

It’s not 100% correct because I was low on layers.

Prize cars posted.

AND>>> starting to get confusing, at least for me…When you are posting - PLEASE state if DESIGN ENTRY or PHOTO ENTRY… Thanks guys.

Did you not learn anything from me in the Poker Runs? Design comp entries should be sent to you for personal inspection - that way you end up with all the design comp. cars in your garage! :slight_smile: Rookie.



LOL, Nacho, I cross my fingers every time I save my own designs, let alone tryin to stuff any other designs into my lil ol 4G XBox =)

Now were getting somewhere guys
Looking good

Posting for onelapmagic - DESIGN ENTRY


Here is my Design Entry:

Very nice Elm I like how it goes from red, white, and blue to dark blue on the back.

Thanks Gothic!

Nice paint Elm. Judges may however question the black as part of the colour scheme [ just trying to help ]

Thanks, After I posted pictures last night I figured that would get brought up. So this morning I changed it to DARK BLUE. I will repost pics today

Initial time with the Corvertte Z06 - 2:10.963

My Photo Entries

Good Luck All

I saw The Man Who Knew Too Little for the first time yesterday and when I saw this scene (only 5 seconds of it), I thought of this photo (and far too much of my own driving)

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If you change to dark blue, then no need to clarify…but we will, Design entries must have their overall theme, Red/White/Blue. Any additional logos can be their regular colors. Really excited to see all these entries =) And just so it is known again, as clubmates have entered, I WILL NOT BE JUDGING DESIGN CONTEST. I have enlisted some friends OUT of game to judge. So keep them coming =)

Mines a photo entry thanks Jammer

Decided to withdraw from the design contest. I may decide to put it up in my Storefront…Good Luck everyone!!!

My best time so far with Corvette Z06 - 2:10.334. Replay saved, but will only post it if I can’t improve on that.

Time Update

Lap 4
Ford GT
LB 3742
S class 697, no aero

Replay Uploaded