Just got Xbox One, i need friends..

Hello i just got a pn Xbox One a week and a half ago. I have played a lot of Forza on the 360 before and now i have Horizon 3 on the Xbox One.
However i have no friends to play and compare with so it would be a pleasure if you add me

Gamertag: Calleastic (if you cant find my gamertag on this page for some reason)

Thank You.

I’m busy working alot but by all means add me if you want :wink: I have great car tunes and paint jobs you can try out too.

add me also, I have a few tunes also.

Add me I’m a big Sim racer person also.TAG crownMELBOURNE.


This thread was around a couple of pages forward. Hope that helps.

Best Regards.

Use my name to add me. I’ll add you back when I get home.

Im on now if you want to play. Enjoi200

Can add me too
Never hurts to have more rivals

You can add me too!GT: Hurricane221798

You could add me if you want, same name on here.

You can add me aswell, mohlsson

Added you :slight_smile: !

You can add me too.

Thank you guys, i will add you all

add me @Mr_Keebler7102