Jaguar XK120 & Porsche 356

I search the auctions repeatedly everytime I play the game and never see these cars. Are they not allowed in the auction house or do they just never get sold? I came to the game too late to buy / win them but would really like to add to my garage…

Both were only available as Forzathon or League reward until today. Since 2 weeks even from the community contests.

You can put both cars in the AH if you have them from Forzathon or League Rewards, but I think nobody wants to sell them right now.


You can now choose the Porsche as a prize for the weekly livery or photo contests:

AFAIK those gifted cars from the contests can’t be sold in the AH.

So it’s technically possible that both cars could show up in the auctions… I’ll keep checking. Took me a while to get a '32 Ford as well.

These cars aren’t sold because they count towards collector tier level and most people only have one of them. Extremely frustrating but we’re gonna have to acquire them through other means.

as far as I understand, once you have collected a car you can sell it and there’s no change to your collector tier points. Should you then acquire it again later, your points also do not change, as you have already collected it once before…

When you sell a car the points go down.
But you keep your tier.

For the next tier you need the ‘lost’ points again, plus the points missing before.

You can check it with any (cheap) car in the Collection Overview … upper right corner.

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Some cars you have won or you did not pay for (because of your discount when levelling up) can´t be auctioned. I have cars I could sell for 100 credits. Never would do so.
Had it been a car from the specialty dealer it would frequently reappear, but with these two cars you have to wait and hope they can be won again somehow, sometime.