Jaguar XJS 1975-1996 (Race Spec)

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Jaguar XJ-S (Race Spec)

This topic includes all racing spec versions of the XJS: Trans Am, Group A, ATCC. For voting on the standard production models click here.


Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.

Which versions do you prefer?

  • Group 44 (Trans-Am)
  • TWR (Group A)
  • ATCC
  • Club Racing
0 voters

Cant wait to make a TWR V12 XJS Replica (hoping we get the V12 variant)


Forza Motorsport:

Jaguar XJ-S Coupe Trans Am #44 (1978)


Please add Trans Am version

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crucial car in touring car history, campaigned by the legendary tom walkinshaw racing. a must add to forza motorsport.


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