Issues With Chevy Camaro ZL1 Engine Sound

Hey Turn10, not sure if this has been spoken of yet but there is no to little engine sound when coming off the throttle in the ZL1. Sounds awesome when under acceleration but it sounds like a Tesla under braking/gear changes.

Thanks guys

Main problem is associated with cabin/bonnet and bumper view.

All my cars doing the same after servers came back up

Try the CTS V, its the same car. :slight_smile:

The ZL1 sounds too quiet to me even under hard acceleration. I also am not very happy with the sound of the Mistsubishi Evo.6, it sounds like someone put the microphones too close to the car when they recorded the sound for the game.

I’ve noticed a change in the sound of the evo 6, stock engine fully tuned used to give a nice sound at 6000rpm (hard to explain the sound it made) but now thats gone :frowning: