Will Turn 10 have some cars be given to us or will it just be money, also will they discontinue giving money to forza horizon 1?
Just an FYI, we have a thread HERE that you could talk about that on.
They still gift reward credits for FM 3 so I assume both will be included.
Are the Horizon 2 rewards shown for the Xbox One only or also for the 360?
I would think for both.
I would think so, too. I went back and read the article again, and it did not explicitly mention whether it was for both consoles or not.
One section that stuck out at me was this one which did not deal with redeeming rewards but with earning them:
Is this just them talking up FH2 on the XB1 or will rewards only be available on XB1?
Are the pre order bonuses available for xbox 360 as well? Its just that whenever i go online to pre order, there is nothing on pre order bonuses for the 360…
I am almost completely positive that the pre-order bonuses are only for the Xbox One Day One Edition.
it’s like they go out of the way to make sure things are as difficult as possible with information lol they are worse than Tool and i never thought that was possible. I would say it’s for both but different. Considering 360 people would have horizon 1 why would there not be a system for 2 and loyalty considering they have the first? I
Think is I’m close the next tier, but if the reward cars are for X1 only, I’m not going to spent some extra hours trying to get higher now, then I’ll continue gaming at my regular pace. I’m not planning on getting an X1 for a long time, but will get H2 on the 360. So, if the car rewards are for H2 360 as well, then I’m willing to put in some extra time to get the tier higher before the release.
i hear ya man! I really want tier 4 now if that’s true. I hope it is
I see no reason why the 360 and XO versions can’t share the same reward points and perks.
I don’t know if there even will be more rewards like we have been getting in the past on the rewards page. They may add another teir ( 7 ) and add extra rewards and they may be all in game. If they don’t add another teir I don’t have a lot of drive to gain with the rewards as I’m already maxed out.
Be nice to start out with the P1 on day one.
I wonder how far away from Tier 7 I’ll be once Horizon 2 launches and the Rewards thing updates to accommodate it.
Only thing I would recommend to racers who have retained there xbox 360 as well as xbox one lay your hands on second hand copies of Forza 3 and Forza 2 and Horizon 1 all are requirements to shoot up the rewards chart. However as you can see from the special rewards cars in Horizon 2 which will probably be repeated in Forza 6 the rewards scheme is like a loyalty card you rack up points proving you are following the franchise it’s just a well used formula that encourages you to be more likely to buy and play the next release. As for me no loyalty incentives required as long as Horizon 2 is as good as the hype and that Forza 6 shows good progression from Forza 5 i’ll still be hooked. Only disappointment is that there is no LCE for Horizon 2 really hope it makes a comeback on Forza 6
Tier 6 started at only 5500 points, so you’ll most likely be starting at Tier 7 tbh. I don’t expect Tier 7 to start any higher than 7000 points.
If true , then… (Mr Burns voice with rubbing of hands) Excellent.
All nce and well, but we still don’t know for sure if these cars will be rewarded in Horizon 2 for the 360 as well?
My FH2 pre-order (for the X360) in the Netherlands is advertised as having the 3 day-one cars and a retailer-exclusive (the Lambo). So unless the retailer has made an error, that pretty much confirms it.
I’m guessing the cars for Forza Rewards will also be gifted for the X360, no reason not to?