[INVESTIGATING] Still No Multiplayer Liveries!

Bump. Also have this issue, any word on a future fix?

Now that I’m attempting to make my own livery, this annoyance will be AMPLIFIED!!!

The only time I see liveries is in Championship races and it is limited to the 6 friends randomly selected as drivitars.
Absolutely no liveries in Free Play >:(
Not seeing liveries on rivals cars that I know are painted from their screenshot gallery >:(
Seeing cars and liveries my family that play (in the same household) have never purchased or downloaded >:(

Assuming the livery script only looks at popularity of said design for that particular car. I have harassed people on my friends list asking “Who is the designer of the livery you run on your car?” They either don’t own that car or have no idea what livery I’m talking about because they either don’t run one, run a unique one (not shared) or follow a different creator than the one shown on their car in my game.

Please fix or at least acknowledge a fix is in the works!

After this newest update, I actually could see people’s liveries and driver suits in the pre race lobby. Maybe it’s working correctly now?

Edit: Oops, never mind. So yeah, still a buggy mess of a game some months later.

Yep…just confirming I too do not see any custom liveries in freeplay. Sucks to race against F1 cars that all look the same. I do see custom liveries in the career mode, but nothing in freeplay.

The update still didn’t fix my issue of seeing custom liveries AND others seeing mine.

I have no idea why Turn 10 refuses to fix this but this is awful.


Pitching in my voice here in the hopes that our voices be heard en masse.

Adding to all the issues including but not limited to; sluggish car selection, lack of lobbies, poor implementation of car collecting and limited file sharing, among others, the livery issue would easily be in the top 5 of the worst gameplay issues in the game, stability notwithstanding.

I really wanted to like this game, at least to the level to that of Forza 6. But with all these pressing issues and the seeming lack of enthusiasm, I’ve found that the fire and passion that existed prior has been reduced to a candle in comparison to what it once was. Indubitably speaking, we are at risk of extinguishing the flame we have left into a smouldering ember that may never be reignited again.

I fear that we may be at worlds end. But like the fire that powers any car endorned in Rosso Scuderia, there is still hope. All we really need is someone to climb in, and turn the key.

Sir Alec Leonidas


The limited on shared tunes and liveries is still there? Are they serious?

New update and it’s still not fixed.

To echo what I said before:

I run a racing league with 25+ members. We all bought Forza 7 and moved our league from Forza 6 to Forza 7. No paintjobs along with the absence of rolling starts, and the fact that we can’t keep people in the lobbies because of the broken servers is forcing us to move back to Forza 6.

Great job Turn 10. Please fix this game. It has potential.

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Our team has been investigating this and we’re working to get this resolved.


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Thanks Soy. Can you update the Known Issues thread please?

I really hope that you can fix this issue. As i said before, we are racing league`s in a community for several years now. Always played Forza Motorsport.
But its just not fun if all of us running in the same colour of car. Everyone was working on Liveries for the league. And now… all look the same.
Please Fix that

Edit: I play on XBOX

Agreed. Please fix!

I truly hope you guys are going to finally fix this. It’s been over a month since this issue started and it’s really hurting other people’s leagues and the one I participate in. Custom liveries was always THE THING I loved about these games and it’s been broken.

I did a few races yesterday.
In 3 SP Races i did see liveries.
In 3 League Races i did not see liveries
In 4 Private MP Races i did not see liveries.

I think its really time to fix that.
And by the way: Add rolling start and starting grid order by result from last race.

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I’ve noticed I see custom liveries in the career mode but with the same car division (Forza GP) in freeplay mode there are none. Maybe this info would help the staff at Turn 10. Also the drivatars behave better in career mode than freeplay. By that I mean they drive off the track in freeplay but stick to a nice tight racing line in career mode. (This is with drivatars set to unbeatable in both modes with the same number of laps)

Outside of reliability issues, this should be a top priority to fix. Custom liveries and the ability to see them is a core value of this game imo. Can we get a official response to the problem, surely this isn’t the first your hearing of it.


We had some Races in Private Multiplayer yesterday, and everyone saw each others Designs.

It seems that the problem is fixed now.
Thank you T10.

I still can’t choose the livery I want to run in cars where I have several identical(but painted differently) cars. I sometimes get the one I want, but generally don’t. Is a fix in the works? I am speaking of my garage, before anything other than picking a car , This is on Xbox one. I am waiting for one new part on a new PC build, and am hoping I won’t run into as many problems as I am hearing about on PC play.

It’s not fixed for me in SP (I don’t play MP) on original Xbox. It seems getting worse by the day.