Is anyone else having this issue? I double checked to make sure that the setting was correct, but no matter what I do, all of my opponents are showing up as default paint colors, no customer liveries…
Me too, same issue, even when it’s turn to ‘on’ if you find the cure please let me know ))
Yep, same here (PC version)
All these beautiful liveries and non are working on the drivatars!
Hope this will be fixed soon because these liveries add a lot to the visual beauty of FM7.
It’s working. What you have to keep in mind is that most drivatars you have in your games are from people that have not played the game. They are built from Forza 6 and Horizon 3 data. Any of those default drivatars will only use the default liveries. And if they played the game they would have to download or create a livery for that specific car before you will see their drivatars use that design. But yesterday I saw at least three drivatars in a Formula Mazda race that had custom liveries. Of course Turn 10 could make it so drivatar cars grab whatever liveries are available online, but it is supposed to resemble what the drivatar owners do.