I need to find new club that

I need to find new club that let will help me by downloading my paints and helping me by testing my tunes. I want to become a Legendary Painter & Tuner, mainly so I can just have the title, and also have my designs become more popular. I am willing help the club/teammates. I am a pro painter at the moment, but I’m a freelance tuner. I’ve been trying to become a legendary painter & tuner because, I’m not just a tuner or a painter, I’m a driver, I’m a drifter, I’m a drag racer, a cruiser, a circuit racer, I’m an OG Forza Motorsport/Horizon Outlaw. I’ve been playing Forza since the first FM.
(I didn’t have internet/XBL until 2013)

If there is any club out there that is willing to have me be a part of your team, and so I can have people use my stuff, please message me on XBOX, best way to contact me.

GT: Capt HorsePower (spelled exactly like that)

I can help you with that my :confused: is REDVamp04

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One of our admins is a legendary tuner and we have some amazing painters. Come and join the club if you want help.

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I am just going to leave this here, I hope you like it:


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You’re more than welcome to join our crew

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I sadly can’t access the page because it’s “.uk”, i do appreciate it J.

Definitely would love to join. I think the link has expired at this point (6 years later, oops lol)

If you and the crew and still together, lmk my dude.

hey hey, :joy::joy::joy:you’re right, the crew does not partake as much anymore. Gearing up for motorsport though, looking forward to that. Maybe we shall see each other on the track (or Mexico :grin:).

How Active is this club?