I need some money

I need some money for some cars I’m looking to buy from the auto show but I don’t have enough money could someone buy the BMW m3 2008 I have on the auction house I have 3 of them on there all for 12 mil my gamer tag is Lilpoop9642

Question: how long have you been playing this game for? Somehow I never felt obtaining CR is any trouble. I stated after playing for a few weeks that as soon as you hit 50M, drive enough and don’t try to get all cars immediately you’ll never be out of CR. At that moment I already owned most cars available at that time. I now have a 1000+ car garage, had more but sold of duplicates and will do so again soon and are cling in on the 900M.

yee that true get cr in this game its not a problem i make my full cr just from snipe and have alot money frozen from duplicate cars