How to change cars info display to mph

Hello i was just playing and went into my garage and next thing i noticed all my vehicles where displaying in Torc and power instead of MPH for the speed, how do I change all the info back to normal?
I like to see my vehicles readind out the mph for speed.

That alternates with the SHALBO numbers. Y on PC, and I assume the same on a controller to switch between them.

At least I assume that’s what you’re asking. You can’t see the putative speed except when you cycle through the numbers when you’re upgrading your car. When you’re in your garage, you might get Speed 7.6, but not 180mph unless the display is different on an xbox or it’s possible to change what’s displayed in the settings.

I have Xbox ,
But i like to see my display red like

handling info
off road info and etc
it did display all of this, before and i been leveling up and then this happen, all thr display info change on my cars to what you see now

Since you are on console you would need to hit right or left on your LEFT joy stick, that will change between what category your vehicle is in versus what brand it is, EG: in your picture it shows “Pickups & 4X4’s” now push the LEFT joy stick left or right and it will switch to the brand view thus showing you the additional stats you are looking for. Let me know if that helps!
But no you cant see the mph etc unless you are in the tuning section for that specific car.

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That doesn’t look like a screen where it actually displays the MPH. It just switches between the stats in the screenshot and the list of stats that just go to 10.

Yes this is what im talking about, I like how everything was displayed between 1 to 10 for the vehicles stats, now they are displayed in torqued weight and front.
I do not like looking at my vehicle this way.
As for joy stick i have press every single button on my controller and the displayed did not changed, not sure why or how this happened.

Left and Right on the Right Stick toggles it, IIRC. I believe that’s what it is intended to indicate at the bottom of the screen.

All that toggle does is removes the display info of tire and driveline pictures info in the bottom of the vehicles box

I just mentioned I have already press EVERY single button. And I do not know how this display info happened to show up

No that’s clicking in the right stick. Moving it left and right toggles the stats.

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Ill try tomorrow, and will let you know if that work or not, im in bed , have to work in the morning

you push one of the toggle sticks sideways to change those stats back to the cars ‘numbered stats’…

i think you can only tell the cars speed if you look at the gear settings in tuning, or in ‘find tunes’ you can hover over other people tunes to compare your own with theirs… its not efficient this way tho, very slow…
i cant remember seeing a cars speed in mph/kph anywhere else in the menus

Ya that work thanks, there is allot going on in this game lol

There’s a typo in the title. Says “mph” but should be “kmph”.

Putting aside that kilometers just let the weak minded think they’re going faster, isn’t it actually listed as kph not kmph?

How many feet in 2,815 miles? Can strong minded american do it without calculator?

Btw, US already converts everything from metric to imperial so that americans can understand. Imperial or US castomory units are no longer defined by body parts of dead people.

I could do it without a calculator. But why would I? Roughly speaking it’s about 15,000,000 feet.

Wrong. You have too many zeroes.

IIRC there’s 5280 ft in a mile. 2815 is about 3000. 3000 times 5000 is 15,000,000.

There is 14863 feet (and 2 13/32 inches to be precise) in 2,815 miles.