How can Forza 6 be Graphically improved?

You do realise that photomode in FM introduces post processing and super sampling that IS NOT PRESENT IN GAMEPLAY, right?

pCars looks way better than forza.

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They add only AA in photo mode!

Again, how have you done those photos??? Those are no photos from any console. Anyway, I don’t see that those shots look better.

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No? Ones a baked cake, the other is dynamic, if you wanted a fair comparison you should have said so.

This is simply not true. Forza 5 photo mode is not baked, in no way. You have more Anti Aliasing and you can play with camera settings, but LoD, lighting and reflections are the same as ingame.

And again and again, where have you taken your photos? You simply can’t upload photos from PCars console version. The photo mode is completely broken and even don’t allow free camera movement.

While there are certainly a lot of ways the graphics could be improved, I think that T10 has much more important things to focus on for FM6. After all, armchair critics and reviewers alike were just fine with the graphics, but they had plenty of other things to complain about.

Adding to others suggestions cars from a distance change whether it be brake lights or resizing. FH2 suffers from this problem especially on Audi grills where it will suddenly change texture, would be good to see little details fixed.

There are two sides of ‘SIM’ to any racing game, physics simulation (forza>p-cars from what I can tell) and racing simulation. Racing simulation is not the physics, it’s how it tries to recreate real world racing elements like pit stops, flags, safety cars, practice/qualifying etc. (P-cars>forza)

Sorry for OT

Here are what actually need to be fixed/added/improved in FM6
-Real-time reflections
-Real-time ‘‘sky illumination’’(Idk how it’s called) in the interior of the car
-Ambient Occlusion underneath the car instead of a baked blurred texture
-Better headlights/taillights details
-Dynamic Day/night cycle

Adding rain can be really hard to add in the game without frame rate issues. Unless Turn 10 make it simple or they get the optimizations right.

2 biggest issues with Forza 5 are…

The jaggies! Easily the most jaggy looking game of this gen so far. Been playing PCars on PS4 and virtually no jaggies are present. So Forza 6 needs a major AA boost

Game has to look more realistic, F5 suffers from a cartoon look/over saturation of colours. This has always been the case with Forza though so by the looks of things it’s design choice rather than any other reason. Hopefully T10 change things for F6.


Besides that its fine as it is or now in my opinion I more rather the team shift focus towards building a better game than to showoff XB1 powar!

Forza can learn a few things from PCars but not much graphically in my opinion.

At the moment controller users on XBone can not really judge the physcis model in PCars with a black and white label. However my impression is that it is most definitely sim.

It is hard to judge with a controller anyway given cars on the road do not use a controller…they use a wheel. Even so having played pretty much every Xbox racing game since 2005 my thoughts are PCars is the simmest of the lot (yes its a word lol).

Forza could look at PCars tracklist, tuning section and learn stuff. They could learning something from the physics model. That does not mean copy it. It means looks at it and see if any of it is better.

PCars is tough on road tyres but less tough on slicks. Should Forza look into widening or reducing the gap in grip levels between tyres?

But graphically on the Xbone, in my opinion, Forza should keep doing what they are doing.

@DUST - on my tv screen there are too many issues for me to recommend PCars graphically. If I was getting those pics you posted on my screen I would think differently.

you dont even know what you’re talking about.

Forza’s entire lighting system is pre baked. Project Cars is dynamic.

Forza 5 uses global Illumination, but the lights on the tracks are not dynamic. So you have prebaked environment shadows, but the lights on the cars are completly dynamic, because it’s global illumination. Just having dynamic lights on the track doesn’t say anything about the quality of the lighting system. If I compare PCars to Horizon 2 then Horizon 2 does a much better job, because almost everything of the environment throws shadows, much much more shadows than PCars and they are dynamic and get constantly updated, because of the day cycle. I am not sure if we need dynamic day/night cycle in Forza 6. Not if it’s to hard to get authentic lighting on the cars.

I guess by “pre baked” we’re talking about the fact that the lighting source (the Sun) is always in the same orientation relative to the environment. We all look for different things in a game and having given it some thought I don’t think that a change in the Suns position would do anything to improve the game for me. I’ve driven hundreds of laps on each track and couldn’t even tell you in which direction shadows are cast. I’m generally too engrossed in the driving to even notice. So long as the environment provides a suitable backdrop to the action anything else would be wasted on me. I don’t much want the sun to blind me through the windscreen - if this did happen in the real world I’d have a tinted visor anyway. If T10 were to create two or three “pre baked” versions of each track and used them randomly perhaps that would reduce some of the critisism. No game can come close to replicating the endless permutations of real world lighting and even if they could would it really make the game better?

Pre baked means that those things are not being rendered in real time by the hardware.
That’s why his comparison is bunk. They both work differently at a rendering level. One is more demanding then the other.

I think that’s what I said isn’t it. That the environment is created with static lighting (and therefore shadows).

I’ll stick to my second point which is essentially SO WHAT? I can’t see how having the sun move a few degrees during a race and the resultant re calculations that would ensue would in any way make it a better race.

No it doesn’t. Everything in Forza is baked in. The shadows, the reflections are all baked in.

Reflections can’t be pre backed, because they reflect the environment in real time in the game. Don’t tell me that the reflections on a car are always the same in Forza 5. Then, you must play another Forza 5 than me. And even if the environment has pre backed shadow/light maps, the shadows of the cars and the lighting on the cars are without any doubt dynamic and go through the shader pipeline.

Yes they can. There is times in fm5 where the reflections show something that isn’t even in the scene. Please stop.

You are wrong

Good quote, from an article talking about environment lighting in Unity.