Horizon Backstage in FH5

The standard one had been removed as well (due to licences issues?).


Yeah, it was almost certainly a limited-time deal to promote the release of FFXV. Both Regalias were removed from the rewards pool a good while before the delisting announcement.

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think they got removed when Sony didn’t like the concept of MS buying Activision, part of that bit of frostiness

The backstage pass is calculating the votes right now.

Vote: Jaguar F-Type SVR & Audi TT RS '20 vs M-AMG SL 63 & Alpine A110 '17

Deadline: December 12

Pair 1 Pair 2
2020 Jaguar F-Type SVR
2020 Audi TT RS Coupe
2021 Mercedes-AMG SL 63
2017 Alpine A110

Winners: 2021 Mercedes-AMG SL 63 and 2017 Alpine A110 added to the Backstage Shop on Dec. 12

Head to the Cars Menu / Horizon Backstage menu with each seasonal change to vote on the next pair of cars to be added to Horizon Backstage. Collect a Backstage Pass from the Festival Playlist and Forzathon Shop to redeem in the Horizon Backstage menu.

Use the Forza Horizon 5 Cars List | Forza to filter the car roster by availability.

Thursday, December 5, 2024 2:30 PMThursday, December 12, 2024 2:20 PM


What won last weeek

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The Nissan Safari and the Z


Ok thank you

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am links
Jag F-TYPE SVR - reward only; 1 appearance (series 32)
Audi TT RS '20 - reward only; 1 appearance (series 32)

am rechts
M-AMG SL 63 '21 - reward only; 1 appearance (series 31)
Alpine A110 '17 - reward and wheelspin; 4 appearances (series 0, 5, 14 & 35)


Worth noting, the A110 is also a hard to find wheelspin car so we’ve had it since the game launched.


somehow managed to miss that, thanks

No problem!

As noted the 17 Alpine is wheelspin.

For those looking for a visual…

once again, let me know which pair you want and I’ll guarantee it by voting for the other one, though as I wrote last week I’m not sure that’ll actually work as I’m not genuinely interested in any of them

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although it’s pretty clear which pair is going to win already

Pretty mediocre pairs this week imo


Can you add the audi rs7 2021 to the backstage voting?

last week, as I predicted, M-AMG SL 63 '21 and Alpine A110 '17 were chosen

this week . . .

on the port side
McLaren 765LT - series 6, 12, 23
AM Vanquish '17 - series 36

on the starboard side
F8 Tributo '19 - series 7, 10, 26
Ford Mustang DD - series 23, 36

all cars are Reward-only

I’m not interested in any of them so can’t guarantee which pair wins


Vote: McLaren 765LT '21 & Aston Martin Vanquish '17 vs Ferrari F8 Tributo '19 & DeBerti Ford Mustang GT '18

Deadline: December 19

Pair 1 Pair 2
2021 McLaren 765LT
2017 Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Coupe
2020 Ferrari F8 Tributo
2018 DeBerti Ford Mustang GT

Winners: 2017 Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Coupe and 2021 McLaren 765LT added to Horizon Backstage on Dec. 19

Head to the Cars Menu / Horizon Backstage menu with each seasonal change to vote on the next pair of cars to be added to Horizon Backstage. Collect a Backstage Pass from the Festival Playlist and Forzathon Shop to redeem in the Horizon Backstage menu.

Use the Forza Horizon 5 Cars List | Forza to filter the car roster by availability.

Thursday, December 12, 2024 2:30 PMThursday, December 19, 2024 2:20 PM


ha - beat you!