Hiring a gamer to produce my videos!

Like the title says, I want to pay someone to create some clean videos. Also looking for established youtube channels to do 5 minute reviews of the cars I build. Will be steady work. Please message me. Thanks!

Reason: Because I suck at it.

If you’re looking for someone to work with, this is the quality we are at currently.

I’m curious however, why do you want to pay? If you aim to monetise videos, it’s virtually impossible now for forza 5 and other microsoft titles. Plus, there’s just so much competition out there (literally everyone makes videos) that it’s pretty tricky to get anywhere. it takes millions of view to make any money anyhow (if money’s your motivation). Anyways, get in touch with me either here or at Facebook (facebook is much easier for me) and we can discuss your ideas. I’m not looking for pay, rather I want to see what your ideas are and see how me and my team can help a fellow forza fan :slight_smile: