I downloaded a tune a few days ago and i want to see the person’s storefront. Problem is i don’t know how i can see who tuned it. I tried going to the autoshow then garage to upgrade but it tells me the file is locked. i tried going to a car meet and couldn’t see my car’s info. only the players at the meet. the only other thing i can think of is to post the car on a auction for a high price, write down the person’s gamertag who tuned the car. and then hope the car doesn’t sell. Is there a easier way to see who’s tuned my car?
I think this should work.
If you go to tuning, remove the tune. Search for a tune and press the right button to go to my tunes. The tune you downloaded should be there. If you press Y, it should show you a series of option, one of which is follow that creator. The creator will then show up under the community page.
thanks i’ll give it a shot
This is easy to do. If you are in the Festival, exit and drive the car. Press the Menu button on your controller. Move to the “Community” tab and in the lower left section is “Tuning” Select that and it will show you the tunes available and the “My Tunes” for the car which will include the one you’ve downloaded.