HELP! Correct setting for this shade of gold

Can anyone get a match to the gold colour shown in the photos below. i can’t seam to get the right colour combinations. any help will be appreciated

Hue: 0,11
Saturation: 0,61
Brightness: 0,64

Good start but it lacks the gold element sadly. its quite tricky

Using metallic right?

This took like 20 seconds.

It might be a tad yellow, but I like it that way. That’ll get you close enough to figure it out on your own…

That´s looks about right :slight_smile:

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When doing the Alfa above recently I found the following to be effective:

  • Go to Special Paints.
  • Find the first two-tone colour on the list.
  • Fine-tune both tones using the same colour code (in the case of the Alfa, Rosso Corsa is 0/100/80).

This is essentially the same as the flat colour, but with a metallic finish.