Gumball, Warsteiner D2 Privat, A Team, MRT Fiesta,Renault 5 Rally, Herbie 53 and Repsol Designs

Hi guys,
Here are some interesting designs from me, I hope you like it …
here are my first designs:

  1. Gumball Official Car Abarth 695 Biposto

Gumaball Abarth 695 Biposto.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

car2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

car 1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

  1. Warsteiner D2 Privat CLK GTR
    Warsteiner D2 Privat 1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Warsteiner D2 Privat 2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

D2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

  1. A TEAM GMC Vendura
    A Team GMC Vendura .ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

A Team.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

  1. Ford Fiesta MRT
    Ford Fiesta MRT.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

MRT.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

  1. VW Beetle Herbie 53
    VW Beetle Herbie 53.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Herbie.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

  1. Repsol Rally Ford Escort RS Cosworth

Repsol Rally.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Repsol.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Repsol1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Repsol2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

and my last design:
7. Renault 5 Turbo

1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

3.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

4.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

update: 24.08.2014
8. Repsol Rally ( Rally design with dirt )

1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

3.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Notice: greatest thanks to Zly Tomaszek for his advice and support in the design with dirt, thanks Bro

I did not know in which category I should add this, hence the thread here. If it is wrong, please correct these moderator.

These are the first designs I made. Have fun with it and please do not forget to liken, thanks.

Notice: If the links do not work, designs can be seen in upload or photo

Some very nice liveries you have, The Escort is stand out one for me!


Great work on the Cossie :slight_smile:

Gumaball Abarth 695 Biposto.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

car 1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

A Team GMC Vendura .ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Repsol Rally.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Dude, came across the Abarth when you put it up, very impressive. Was on my list to do, but you’ve nailed it!
Love the simple ness of the Ateam van and the Cossie is jaw dropping!

Whitey aka PolizeiYT

Awesome work on this stuff mate! I am really digging the Abarth but that Cosworth is truly a gem. Keep up the good work!

thanks for your positive Feedback and have fun with the Desings … :slight_smile:

some great work on here mate the clk gtr looks very cool

and my last design:
7. Renault 5 Turbo

1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

3.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

4.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

PS: After Ace has pointed out to me, I made the corrections and upload the current images.

Renault is pretty nice but it could use some work with the stock fonts. Michelin and Ferodo for instance but all in all it is pretty nice mate. just keep on plugging away and you will get better and better!

1 Like

Hi Ace, ferodo is original from the picture with the deer. What is not original, the vnyl group is on the hood. the car is unfortunately bugged was no different. Thanks again for your comment.

Notice: I made the corrections and upload the current images.

you made some great replicas, really like the cossie

update: 24.08.2014
8. Repsol Rally ( Rally design with dirt )

1.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

2.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

3.ashx by kimimben61, on Flickr

Notice: greatest thanks to Zly Tomaszek for his advice and support in the design with dirt, thanks Bro

Nice job with the dirt effect on one of my favorite of your paints! Great work mate.