Graphics - Flickering near Main Festival parking lot and Cargo Train

There is a seriously stranger flickering of lights and its reflection on the car whenever you move your car forwards or backwards on the road of the parking lot & drag guardrails that leads to entrance to the garage.

These flickering textures and lighting bug is also visible on the cargo train located near Horizon Rush Outpost when it is moving. I wish there was a way to attach a video here - it’s 2024!


At this exact spot, you can notice the flicker happening on the window and if you have a metallic paint on your car. It’s really hard to show without a video but you should be able to reproduce it and get the idea.

Best way is to upload video to YouTube and copy link
Issue of the train is in the game since launch…


Thank you for the suggestion!

That is really terrible. The train and the volcano are some the most beautiful landmarks moving objects in this game. They add life to the open world that is otherwise lonely and dead. I’m surprised the volcano and its lava are not the game when compared to the launch trailer.


never experienced the train flickering since aug '22 except one time few days back…i think that glitch came with this update.


I’m finally able to show this issue in a video since I got to reproduce it again in during a session. This flickering/graphical bug is downright distracting and harsh, and has not been fixed for months now!