Game stuck at initial loading screen.

So I bought an Xbox one X recently with Forza 7. I experienced game crashing at a certain track (Long Beach) and was told to reinstall everything to get rid of said issue. I finally did it but now the game will not get past the initial loading screen when I launch it. It will play music and even the loading icon will be active the whole time but nothing ever happens. The console even went idle before I finally gave up.

Is there a solution to this that doesn’t involve reinstalling the whole game with its ridiculous 60GB update? What garantee do I have that the next time I download everything something else won’t be failing?

Have You tried a hard reset yet
Completely shutting down the console
Including pulling the power plug from the wall

I did. Apparently it has to do with the synced data. When I deleted game saves and stop it from syncing with Xbox Live it runs, however it means I lost all my progress.

Can you start the game on a different account or without signing in?

Guys i have the same problem … after april update the game stuck on loading screen … the only think that work is music … but all the time i see a black screen on my tv … the game never start … but if i switch account it works perfectly … i dont know what happen but i hope microsoft or turn 10 studios will fix it fast

I just bought this game, and I am also having the same issue. I hope it gets fixed soon.


I just bought the new XBOX one X and Forza motorsport 7, however couldn’t start playing for a day now. If I select the free race, it is stuck loading eternally on the TRACK LOADING page. If I go for Forza cup it is stuck after the launch videos and loading icon with just music playing on the background.

Very frustrating given this is my first game console and the very first game I try to start play :frowning:

Go to free play, go to the race setup menu, hit Y to reset to default.